Join IMBA Today! 

IMBA Member Benefits

Free digital subscription to Mountain Bike Action magazine.

A discount on a new Subaru via our VIP program.

Discounts on over 100 brands of bike and outdoor gear through Login details are on your Membership dashboard.

15% discount on Water-to-Go bottles. Login details are on your Membership dashboard. Spot discounted injury insurance for mountain bikers.

IMBA members get Spot for just $69.99 for an entire year.

Custom IMBA socks when joining yearly at $50 or higher.

Where does your membership money go?

Trail Building Tools:  A simple hoe costs over $50, plus much more expensive tools such as chainsaws, weed whackers and leaf blowers. 

Club Insurance: As an IMBA affiliated club, RBRTC is required to carry liability insurance to protect the organization and its members. This is required for trail building and group rides.

Special Events: RBRTC occasionally hosts meetings and other events that will help grow our club and expand our reach in the community. A portion of your membership will help cover these miscellaneous costs helping us reach as many mountain bikers and trail users as possible.